
Nouvelles du mois de Juin

News for the month of June

Hello everyone, a lot still happened in June. The Vieux-Aylmer Market has finally started, every Sunday and there were several of you getting your plants. A big surprise this year...

News for the month of June

Hello everyone, a lot still happened in June. The Vieux-Aylmer Market has finally started, every Sunday and there were several of you getting your plants. A big surprise this year...

Nouvelles du mois de Mai

News for the month of May

Hello everyone, a lot has happened in the last 30 days. An event at the Galerie de Hull during the spring festivities officially began our direct sales season with you....

News for the month of May

Hello everyone, a lot has happened in the last 30 days. An event at the Galerie de Hull during the spring festivities officially began our direct sales season with you....