Nouvelles du mois de Mai

News for the month of May

Hello everyone, a lot has happened in the last 30 days.

An event at the Galerie de Hull during the spring festivities officially began our direct sales season with you. An excellent opportunity to meet you and strengthen existing partnerships with local producers and develop new ones. I reached an agreement with Marché Wakim to have a point of sale with a limited selection of our products.

The massive arrival of orders due to the mild weather at the beginning of the month took me by surprise. It was necessary to put the website in manual mode to be able to better respond to demand. I haven't found the time or a way to set up a new inventory system, it will greatly help with order management and processing.

The days follow one another but are not the same, it was a month full of challenges, the extremely changeable weather, the production failures caused by these variations, the limits of the inventory system, etc.

The good news is that you were very patient and I thank you for that.

I have no words to express my gratitude, your trust and your support.

Simply thank you, thank you and thank you again.

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